Are you feeling tired, overwhelmed and just plain ‘blegh’?
Sometimes there is no better way to explain that off feeling, but you know instinctually something isn’t quite right.
A super busy schedule with no down time, paired with one too many fast food stops can leave you feeling pretty average.
If you’re looking to get your health back on track, then you’ve definitely started in the right place.
But before you get too carried away with looking for the right ‘pill’ that will sort out your ailment, I’d like you to first take a moment to reflect.
Four Pillars Of Health
Our health involves four pillars that all play an important role in your overall wellbeing.
If you aren’t giving much love to any one of these four pillars, then it will affect your health drastically.
So first ask yourself these four questions to help you gauge which pillar you may be neglecting.
This will help put you on the right path towards a more nourished, balanced and vibrant you.
What Are You Neglecting?
1. What percentage of the food you eat are whole foods?
2. How many hours of sleep do you get a night? Is it good quality sleep, or do you wake several times throughout the night?
3. Are you coping with stress at the moment? Or do you feel anxious and overwhelmed frequently?
4. How do you move your body each day?
Your Start to a Balanced, Nourished You
Sometimes it may be one pillar that isn’t getting much attention, or it may be a few. To be honest, this is very normal, leading a balanced healthy life isn’t easy.
That is why so many of us working women are feeling run down, exhausted, and just plain unwell.
What I’d recommend you do, is focus on one or two pillars that you feel needs more TLC.
To help guide you towards building that strong foundation, I have written several different articles to give you a head start.
1. Wholesome Nourishing recipes
I have created simple, easy recipes to ensure you’re eating a wholesome, nutritious diet within that busy schedule of yours. Click here to discover simple recipes that will turn your diet around.
2. Get a Better Night’s Rest
Getting adequate, quality sleep can be difficult. In this article: Do You Find It Difficult To Fall Asleep Or Stay Asleep? Try These 3 Lifestyle Tips for a Better Nights Rest, I have provided a few tips on how to help you get a better night’s rest.
3. Reduce Overwhelm
Coping with stress can be challenging at times, especially when you’re feeling a little overwhelmed. My sister Rachel is a kinesiologist who helps women just like you to cope with stress and reduce feelings of anxiety. To discover easy tools you can implement right now to reduce your overwhelm, just head on over to her website and check out this article: ‘Get On Top of Overhwhelm Fast‘.
4. Movement
Exercise may be the last thing on you mind when you’ve finished work and you’re too tired to move from the couch. I’ve worked full time for many years and I too have felt like that. For that reason I have started exercising in the morning before work and it was the best decision ever! In this article: Three Tips that will Guarantee You Make Your Early Morning Gym Session I share some tips on how to motivate you to stay on track with those good intentions.
I’d Like to Hear From You
Nourishing these four pillars of health will give you a fantastic foundation to build from.
So now I’d love to hear from you – what pillar do you find needs a little more love and attention?
For me personally, stress management is always a big one and is something I have to mindfully keep in check. Share your thoughts and comment below.