Organising your lunch for the week will not only help you stay healthy, but it will save you money and time!
The reality is, you can prep your work lunch for the week in 60 minutes or less.
And with all the money you will save ($75 or more!) you can put it towards those new pair of heels, or towards a girly lunch date on the weekend.
Below i share with you my simple tips on getting your lunch prepped for the working week.
Six Simple Steps to Prepping Your Work Lunch
Make Your Lunch In Bulk
The healthiest, quickest option is to make a BIG salad.
The right salads stay particularly fresh all week in well sealed containers. They’re also a great work lunch choice because they will maintain your energy levels throughout the day without spiking your blood sugar like pasta or rice does.
For a few ideas click here.
Choose Your Protein Source
Do you like chicken, salmon, boiled eggs, legumes?
Cook a whole chicken, shred it and pop it in your lunch containers with your salad.
You may find this surprising, but cooked chicken lasts quite some time in the fridge (up to 4 days) in a well sealed container. If you’re concerned of spoilage, freeze half of the amount of chicken and just remember to take it out of the freezer on Wednesday to defrost for Thursday and Friday.
Alternatively cook enough chicken to last three days, and have an alternative Thursday and Friday. Smoked Salmon is a good option, as are boiled eggs.
Pop Your Salad Dressing In A Separate Container
Dressing your salad at the beginning of the week will make your salad wilt and go soggy faster. Simply pop it in a separate container, or bring a jar of salad dressing to work and dress just prior to eating.
Put Your Lunch Straight Into Separate Containers
Preparing your lunches in separate containers straight away means all you have to do is simply grab your lunch container and run out the door.
Purchase five glass or stainless steel containers to hold your lunch in. Ensure they are well sealed so they keep your food fresh during the week.
Make Time
Have an idea of when you will prep your food before the weekend, so that you don’t get too caught up over committing to social events without giving yourself some time to organise your lunches.
I prefer to do my prepping just after breakfast on a Sunday morning. That means I can enjoy the rest of the day doing what I like and I don’t have to worry about organising anything that evening before work.
Make Prep Time Interesting
If being in the kitchen prepping your work lunch doesn’t appeal to you, then make it fun and entertaining!
Listen to music, or listen to your favourite podcast while you chop your veggies up.
Or you could go the other way and make it a relaxing ritual. Light a scented candle or incense and listen to some relaxing music (I like the Jarryd James channel on Pandora) to help keep those relaxing weekend vibes going.
Share and Comment Below
I hope that sharing with you the way I prep my lunches will help inspire you and make it easy for you to organise your lunches for the working week.
If you have any tips of tricks you’d like to share on how you prep your work lunches, then PLEASE post a comment below!
P.S To see me prep my lunches for the working week, you can follow me on instagram (@nourishwithchloe).